Wednesday, April 22, 2009

It's Nat'l Pet ID Week – April 18-24.

Here are four things you should do, if you haven't already:

• Take a picture of your pet and make sure you have a current image on your computer or at any of the following places: Flickr, Snapfish, Shutterfly, Dogster or any of the many photo/file sharing sites. You may also want to have one put in your pet's chart at the vet's office.

• Microchip your pet. Any vet's office will do it. It's cheap and is a great way to permanently ID your pet.

• Make a contact list for your pet. This is a list of names, phone numbers, email and addresses of people that know you and your pet well.

• Register with a pet ID and recovery service.

Visit for more information. They also have a coupon for $3 off the "Together Tag", which is in partnership with the American Red Cross. We are currently enrolled with the American Kennel Club's Companion Animal Recovery.

I hope that none of us ever have to use these programs, but it's a great idea to have in case of an emergency. Let's keep our pets safe!

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