Monday, May 24, 2010

Walk & Wag 2010

This will mark the 7th year that I've participated in the Walk & Wag, although it's only Mel's 5th year. We were able to raise $210, which is very good considering Michigan's economy.

Last year I raised money, but had to miss the actual walk due to my WCC graduation ceremony. I thought I'd have to miss it again this year because I had tickets to (wait for it)...

Even though it was raining and a storm was predicted for the morning; I decided to get Mel ready, hop in the car, and hope for the best by the time we reached the park. For some reason, it seems to rain every year on this particular day, but always seems to clear up just in the nick of time; and this year was no different.

Because of those tickets, I had to get back home before Noon to change and arrive in Detroit by 2:00, so Mel and I set out to get there early. We only got there about 15 minutes before registration was set to start, but the Humane Society of Huron Valley's volunteers were set up and ready to go!

Not only did the weather clear up, Mel had a fantastic attitude. He was excited to be there, let a lady kneel down by him, smelled a few dogs, and made friend that he walked next to the entire way. She was a little, laid back, 11 year old Jack Russell named Lucy. He had such nice manners and I was very proud to be in public with him that day. We were having such a good time, that I hated having to leave. Then, after I actually saw CATS, I wished that I could have stayed at the Walk & Wag even more; but that's a whole other story for a different type of blog. :)

If you'd like to read more about the 2010 Walk & Wag, visit They have a great post with a slide show (which shows Mel's new friend, Lucy).

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